The Computer Professionals Registration Council of Nigeria (CPN) was established via Act No. 49 of 1993 under the supervision of the Federal Ministry of Education. 
The Council is primarily charged with responsibility for building-up local Information Technology (IT) capacity as well as the regulation of IT practice in Nigeria. 
As the regulatory authority in IT education and practice in Nigeria, the over-arching theme of Council&rsquos mandate is to provide a regulated and standard-driven environment for IT education and practice in Nigeria such that socio-economic development is engendered.
Council is structured in-line with government parastatals with a Registrar who is responsible for the day-to-day running of the Secretariat and implementation of Council&rsquos directives, as its Chief Executive. Council is headed by a Chairman and is made up of eminently-qualified professionals and ministerial nominees. 
In its quest to ensure that the profession and its practitioners are strategically-positioned to add value to society, Council has made significant progress in issues such as:
- the establishment of  a standard framework for qualitative IT education in Nigeria in collaboration with stakeholders in the education sector  through the instrumentality of the National Information Technology Education Framework (NITEF)
- joining forces with the Standards Organization of Nigeria (SON) in ensuring that sub-standards computer products are not imported into the country
- the establishment of the Computer Professionals Examination (CPE) that provides IT skills and knowledge that enhance IT capacity of public servants